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As companies mass customize services going forward, CIOs and technology executives must hyper-personalize experiences for both customers and employees

Trevor Schulze
Global CIO

Hunter Muller
President & CEO
HMG Strategy

As companies build out their Systems of Experience™, CIOs and technology executives must ensure these systems are hyper-personalized for customers and employees and tailor them to address changing behaviors and expectations. Companies that fail to make this pivot will lose out. Watch this webinar and learn:

  • How the Experience Economy is evolving and why companies need to get onboard to survive and thrive
  • Why CIOs and technology executives are at the nexus of this shift and how they can enable their organizations to accelerate into the future
  • Why the rules for customer engagement have changed along with recommendations for decision-makers to adopt
  • Advice on how companies can strengthen their experience strategies now and into the economic future