Years of data make it crystal clear: organizations that consistently invest in the tools and training needed to deliver excellent customer and employee experience realize solid returns on those investments. In fact, those organizations’ financial results consistently outperform those of their peers, and the market as a whole, through good times and bad.

Still, deciding how to best apply those investments is always tougher during periods of economic uncertainty as contact centers compete for their piece of tighter budgets. And, with the incredibly rapid evolution of AI-powered tools muddying the waters even more, deciding where to invest is more critical than ever. Join ICMI and a panel of industry experts for an in-depth discussion that will help contact center leaders to:

  • Make the case for continued investment in contact center agents and tools
  • Understand where these tools will have the biggest near- and long-term impact on your operation
  • Think clearly about the challenges and benefits of rationalizing and optimizing contact center tech stacks

Featured speakers

Speaker Name
Geeta Menon
Director, Product Marketing
Speaker Name
John Arnold
J Arnold & Associates
Speaker Name
Nerys Corfield
Injection Consulting Limited
Speaker Name
Tim McElgunn
Principal Analyst